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Execution and edit of contracts in Poland

Every company from the moment of its existence is faced with preparation of a large number of different documents. Contract formation and enforcement is one of the key moments in the life of any business. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to all legal requirements and rules when drafting it. Usually contracts are drawn up according to a standard template. Exception – contracts concerning marriage, divorce, child support, property issues.

Contract formation and enforcement

Business relationships between companies are governed by contract law. It requires execution of contracts by both parties. A contract is usually concluded in writing. Contracts may contain certain provisions agreed upon by both parties, as well as be accompanied by additions and amendments within the framework of legal norms. The most common contracts are concluded in such areas as:

  • real estate;
  • family and child rights;
  • inheritance issues;
  • corporate relations and others.

For competent execution and editing of contracts in Poland it is necessary to turn to experienced lawyers who can provide clients with legal services of the highest level.

Official contracts in Warsaw

Signing of any official contract takes place within the framework of the current legislation. And execution of contracts is obligatory for all participants who signed this document. In order not to be later litigated, both parties carefully consider and agree on each point. Everything happens in compliance with all legal norms. But if there are disputable moments, it is often necessary to seek help from outside specialists.

Execution of contracts
edit of contracts

Notarization of contracts

When concluding contracts, as well as formalizing official contracts in Poland, one turns to qualified notaries. They are competent in working with contracts in different areas and can help with inheritance, division of property, real estate and many other issues. Notarization or signing of documents at the notary is necessary when drawing up marriage contracts, sales contracts and inheritance of tangible property. Turning to such a specialist, you can be sure that all documents will be executed correctly, and your interests – reliably protected.

Contract documentation

A lawyer helps in contract formation, but this process involves some formalities. Before drafting the agreement, it is discussed whether it will be an oral agreement on paper or notarization of contracts in Warsaw.

After the agreement is drawn up, it is carefully calculated so that in the future, due to mistakes, the parties do not have to resort to termination of the contract. Such aspects as the subject matter, conditions, terms of validity, responsibilities of the parties are taken into account. If it is a financial document, taxable profits, duties, VAT, expenses, etc. are taken into account.

Errors in legal contracts are often due to incompetence of entrepreneurs, ignorance of laws and regulations. To avoid such problems, you should turn to the lawyers of a reliable, time-tested specialized company.

Investment contracts

When it comes to investing in the Polish economy, the state makes no distinction between its citizens and foreigners and imposes only formal legal requirements. This is very appealing to potential investors who are willing to buy real estate or make charitable contributions. Thanks to a constantly developing economy, the country offers opportunities for investment in areas such as real estate, automotive, agriculture, food industry, etc. The advantages of investing in Poland, which is an EU country, include a large capital stock, availability of a labor force of different qualifications, high level of innovation, safety and comfort for living, studying and working.

Termination of the contract

When circumstances arise that require the termination of a contract, for example, in the field of business, it is necessary to deal with this issue competently. Polish law provides for certain ways of terminating agreements. If, for example, it is a sales contract or a work contract, one party has the right to terminate it at its own discretion if the other party fails to fulfill its obligations or grossly violates them. For other contracts it is necessary to look at separate clauses and formal legal requirements, but always act in the legal field.

FChain’s team of professionals will help to solve any issues related to execution of contracts and other related issues. Working with the specialists of the company, clients can be sure in the quality of services provided.

Also on our website you can read FAQs about contracts in Poland, answers to which may be useful.

Execution and edit of contracts


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