Register an individual company: from idea to reality
Owning your own business is a simple and effective business format. Need help with registration of companies and individual entrepreneurs in Poland? By following the tips and complying with the legal requirements, you can easily register an individual company and create a startup in Poland:
- The first step is to define the main and additional activities that you will carry out within the business.
- Next, you need to prepare documents for the registration of business. This includes your ID card, bank details and documents confirming the right to carry out the chosen activity.
- The next step is to fill in the application form according to Polish law. Information about yourself as an entrepreneur, the type of activity and the area of operation must be included in the application.
- After that you need to submit the application to the relevant registration authority. In your case it is the local office of the city or voivodeship.
- After submitting the application, you will wait to receive a decision on the registration of the company. Once the process is completed, the company will be entered in the trade register.
- It remains for you to register the business with the Polish Tax Office and receive the corresponding taxpayer registration number.
Whether you are a small entrepreneur or a large company, Poland offers prospects for success and prosperity of your business.
Towards business: individual company set up process in Poland
The algorithm of registration of a company covers several important stages. After the documents are drawn up, the client receives a confirmation document of registration, which allows him or her to start official activities in Poland. It is important to take into account that the process usually takes from two to four weeks. However, modern online services and expert advice can speed up the process and ensure a smoother start of your business.